ESG: The Road to Sustainability
Our metering and data solutions help simplify the shift to renewable energy. The way we run our business should reflect our commitment to ensuring sustainable resources for future generations.
We used the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to promote peace and prosperity and protect our planet for the future, to underpin our own ESG framework.
Through our framework, we’ve defined the environmental, social and governance issues that are material to our business and identified ways that we as a business can take action to operate ethically and minimise our impact on the planet and our people.

Net zero and climate change
Net zero is when the amount of greenhouse gas produced is the same as the amount removed from the atmosphere. Think of it like a set of scales: producing greenhouse gas emissions tips the scales, and we want to get those scales back into balance, which means no more greenhouse gas can be added to the atmosphere in any given year than is taken out.
We recognise the climate emergency and the important role we play in transitioning to a 1.5-degree future. That’s why we've made reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimising our impact on the environment one of our main goals.
Our targets and actions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by:
- Improving how we define and measure our greenhouse gas emissions.
- Purchasing 100% renewable energy for our offices.
- Developing a Net Zero Strategy, including a science-based net zero target.
- Working with our supply chain to better understand emission sources and opportunities to decarbonise.
Continue enabling the energy
transition by:
- Continuing our ongoing installation of smart meters, empowering households with real time energy use data leading to less energy consumption.
- Ongoing monitoring of opportunities for our behind the meter technology to support the transition to clean energy.
Understand the impacts on our business by:
- Undertaking a risk assessment to understand the physical and transition risks of climate change on our business.
Responsible sourcing
Being aware of our impact goes beyond the products and services we provide. Our goal is to work with our suppliers to improve the social and environmental outcomes in our supply chain.
Responsibly sourcing the products and services that we need not only helps promote sustainable use of resources and prevent modern slavery, but also helps support other sustainably focused businesses.

Our targets and actions
Reduce our waste by:
- Auditing our office waste generation.
- Working with our contractors to implement meter recycling processes.
Manage and mitigate modern slavery risks by:
- Updating our Procurement Policy to incorporate modern slavery considerations.
- Identifying modern slavery risks within our supply chain.
- Providing training to our employees to recognise the signs of modern slavery and how to effectively respond if confronted with a suspected issue.
A safe workplace
While we consider our larger impacts on the environment, we can’t forget to consider the smaller scale impacts on the individuals within our company. Our goal is to provide a physically and mentally safe workplace for our employees and contractors - a place where our people feel safe, cared for, and encouraged to participate.
Our targets and actions
Maintain our high health and safety performance by:
- Engaging our employees about safety through designated committees.
- Fostering a safe work culture by undertaking quarterly leadership health and safety walks.
- Being industry-leading experts by engaging with market participants to improve safety outcomes.
- Driving continuous improvements by tracking, measuring and improving the management of our critical safety risks, including achieving a TRIFR of 2 or below for FY24.
- Ensuring people feel safe, supported and empowered through targeted training.
- Regularly conducting field safety and quality audits.
Support the mental health of our staff by:
- Training all people leaders in mental health first aid.
- Providing interactive training about the practical tools and strategies to enhance various aspects of wellbeing, including mental wellness, stress management, work-life balance, and resilience.
A thriving workforce
Together, we continue to build an inclusive culture that is equal for all, reflects the community we serve and encourages, supports and celebrates our people.

Our targets and actions
Measure employee satisfaction by:
- Providing opportunities for learning and growth.
- Conducting employee engagement surveys.
- Holding quarterly coaching conversations.
Foster a respectful, collaborative and inclusive culture by:
- Creating initiatives to engage with minority groups within our workforce through our DEI policy.
- Aiming for zero reported discrimination incidents.
Strive for gender equality by:
- Increasing participation in the Women in Leadership program.
- Maintaining at least a 40:40:20 gender balance overall and at every level of our organisation.

Good governance
We recognise that good governance practices are key for achieving our corporate objectives, all while maintaining strong lines of communication with our stakeholders.
Our targets and actions
Improve the way we monitor and manage sustainability risks and opportunities by:
- Reviewing our governance mechanisms.
- Developing an overarching Sustainability Policy which includes governance processes, controls and procedures.
- Mapping our growing set of sustainability performance indicators against best practice reporting standards.
Share our sustainability journey with stakeholders by:
- Publicly disclosing our sustainability framework, strategies and policies.
- Reporting our performance year on year.
Prioritise privacy and security of information by:
- Proactively undertaking the Security of Critical Infrastructure (ISO 27001) certification implementation.
- Undertaking a security uplift that aligns with the Australian energy sector cybersecurity framework and Australian Signals Directorate Essential Eight mitigations.
- Maintaining zero reportable privacy incidents or data breaches.
Our report card
We have processes and KPIs in place to track our progress against all of our ESG goals and commitments. We routinely capture a summary of our performance data in our ESG Report Cards.