Whistleblower Policy
The board, directors and executive management team are committed to promoting integrity in its business and financial activities and the responsible reporting of reasonably held concerns of suspected or actual misconduct or an improper state of affairs.
With our commitment to reporting wrongdoing, we will continue to build a supportive work environment, which aligns with our values.
Whether you are a current employee, work with Intellihub as a contractor or supplier, or are a former employee, if you become aware of wrongdoing, we want to know about it. Don’t ignore it. Your commitment can help prevent loss and harm caused by unethical, illegal and irresponsible acts.
If you don’t feel comfortable or safe reporting wrongdoing to your manager, you can make a confidential and anonymous report to our reporting Hotline, Stopline. Stopline is an external and independent provider who will bring your information or concerns to our prompt attention, while keeping your information and identity confidential.
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